Monthly Visits | Bounce Rate | Pages Per Visit |
61.4K | 37.57% | 5.38 |
Visit Duration | Global Rank | Country/Region Rank |
00:04:25 | 394,819 | 25,600 |
Source | Percentage |
Direct | 56.61% |
Referrals | 13.89% |
Organic Search | 21.55% |
Paid Search | 5.27% |
Social | 2.05% |
0.09% | |
Display Ads | 0.53% |
Region | Percentage |
Keyword | Traffic | Volume | Cost Per Click |
lara translated | 2.9K | 1,400 | $0.94 |
lara traduttore | 1.3K | 900 | $0.83 |
translate | 1.1K | 152,976,770 | $0.19 |
laratranslated | 536 | 90 | $-- |
humans lara app traduzione | 516 | 30 | $-- |
Age Range | Percentage |
18 - 24 | 15.24% |
25 - 34 | 20.59% |
35 - 44 | 20.23% |
45 - 54 | 20.15% |
55 - 64 | 13.31% |
65+ | 10.47% |
Gender | Percentage |
Male | 45.18% |
Female | 54.82% |
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