What is GPTZero?
GPTZero is the leading AI detection tool designed to determine whether a document was authored by a large language model, such as ChatGPT. It provides comprehensive analysis at the sentence, paragraph, and document levels, ensuring accurate identification of AI-generated text. With a user base exceeding 2.5 million globally, GPTZero is trusted by over 100 organizations across various sectors, including education, hiring, and publishing.
What are the main features of GPTZero?
Advanced AI Scan: Offers in-depth results on the probability of AI-generated content.
AI Vocabulary Tracker: Identifies the most commonly used AI-related words in your text.
Plagiarism Checker: Detects content that may have been copied from external sources.
Authorship Verification: Ensures the originality and transparency of written work.
Source Finder: Helps verify claims with reliable sources to enhance credibility.
How to use GPTZero?
Using GPTZero is straightforward. Simply paste the text you want to analyze or upload your document. The tool will return an overall detection result along with sentence-by-sentence highlights indicating where AI-generated content has been identified. For larger texts, users can sign up for a free account on the GPTZero Dashboard. Additionally, the Chrome Extension allows users to scan entire web pages for AI content with a single click.
Free Plan: Access basic AI detection features at no cost, with a limit of 10,000 words per month.
Essential Plan: $8.33/month, allowing up to 150,000 words per month with additional features like AI vocabulary checks.
Premium Plan: $12.99/month, offering access to all premium features, including advanced scans and plagiarism checks, with a limit of 300,000 words per month.
Professional Plan: $24.99/month, designed for teams and enterprises, allowing up to 500,000 words per month and offering military-grade security.
Helpful Tips
Educators: Use GPTZero to foster academic integrity by checking student submissions for AI-generated content.
Writers: Ensure authenticity in your work by verifying authorship and avoiding plagiarism.
Students: Utilize the tool to improve writing skills and avoid false accusations of AI misuse.
Recruiters: Implement GPTZero to ensure that candidates are presenting genuine work during the hiring process.
Frequently Asked Questions
What types of AI does GPTZero detect?
GPTZero is capable of detecting outputs from various AI models, including ChatGPT, GPT-4, LLaMA, and more.
How accurate is GPTZero?
GPTZero boasts best-in-class accuracy, verified by independent benchmarks, making it a reliable choice for AI detection.
Can I use GPTZero for educational purposes?
Absolutely! GPTZero is designed to assist educators in identifying AI usage in student work, promoting discussions around academic integrity.
What should I do if I find AI-generated text in a student's work?
Engage the student in a conversation about their writing process, and consider using GPTZero's Writing Reports to verify authenticity.
Is my data safe with GPTZero?
Yes, GPTZero does not store or collect documents submitted through its API, ensuring user privacy and data security.
By leveraging GPTZero, users can confidently navigate the complexities of AI-generated content, ensuring authenticity and integrity in their writing and assessments.